Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Klee and VOS sequencer controlling Paia 9700 and DIY modular synthesizer.


Paia 9700
DIY Modular(Klee sequencer, MFOS VCO, MFOS VCF, Buchla/TW LPG x 2, MOTM ADSR,
Grant Richter Wogglebug #3)
Voice of Saturn Sequencer
Roland RS09
Yamaha Rev 7
Ibanez AD99 x 2
EHX Smallstone

VOS Seq= Step 9 to reset, Clock to Klee clock in, CV out to multiple to Paia Osc A P2/Osc B P1, Gate to Paia VCA CV L, Step 2 to 8, Step 5 to 6, Step 7 to Paia EG2 Trigger

Klee Seq= CV B to 1V/Octave MFOS VCO, CV A + B to Paia Filter B Fc 2, Main Trigger out to Paia EG1 Trigger, Merged Bus 1 Trigger to MOTM ADSR Trigger, Merged Bus 2 Gate to MFOS VCF CV1, Bus 2 Trigger to LPG1 Control, Bus 3 Trigger to LPG2 Control, Bus 3 Gate to LPG2 CV1, Clock thru to Wogglebug Clock, Bus1 Load on, Load Bus Bits 1 and 9, 2 x 8 Mode, Gate bus: 1 3 3 3 2 1 3 2 1 2 3 3 2 1 2 2

MFOS VCO= Square out to MFOS VCF Input 2

Wogglebug= LFO to LPG2 CV2, Step Out to LPG1 CV1, Woggle CV to MFOS VCF CV2


PAIA 9700= ADSR to VCO A PW, EG1 to Osc B FM, Osc A Sine to Osc B PW, Osc A Saw to FilterA, Osc A Square to FilterA Fc2, Osc B Saw to Filter B, Osc B Square to FilterB Fc1, Filter A Lowpass to VCA L, Filter B Lowpass to VCA R, EG2 to CVA Mod, VCA L to LPG2, VCA R to LPG1, L + R to Mixer

LPG1= Amp Mode, Deep mode, Out to Mixer

LPG2= Amp Mode, Deep Mode, Out to Mixer

MFOS VCF= Out to AD99 to Mixer

RS09= Out to Smallstone to AD99 to Mixer

Knob Settings?


Autismtechre by Haruxrayspex

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